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Prom & School on the Same Day?

     School is the last place students want to be on the day of a special event. One of these events being prom. The day of prom is supposed to be a day filled with stress due to hair appointments, having the perfect makeup to look the best amongst your fellow classmates, and making sure your outfit doesn't get ruined at the last minute, but according to school, prom won't be the only thing causing us this excruciating feeling of angst. Students are to be at school on the day of prom. The school day may be shortened or not, but the students planning on attending prom may get a reduction in time on actually preparing for prom. Students are required to come to school and there are no loopholes. Although, students might disagree with this requirement.

     Coming to school the day of prom is an LAUSD policy. Prom counts as a school extracurricular activity and that’s been a policy for years, so coming to school is a must. It would be a different scenario if prom were on a weekend but it would cost more money do to prom on a Saturday rather than a Friday. If prom were on a Saturday, students wouldn't have a problem getting ready, but it’s not. If students are thinking of not attending school on the day of prom and planning to attend prom, they won’t be allowed to enter the prom.

As our very own principal stated, “The day of prom is on a regular school day, the seniors are required to come. Attendance is key, everyone is required to come to school.” -Dr. Yoon


Tasha Collins


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