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“Winging it at Homecoming”

By Andrea Martinez & Tasha Collins, 2015/2016

Not enough students were buying homecoming tickets weeks before the dance. So was it cancelled?

What's Trending?

By Yostin Morales

Over the past half-decade, the use of mobile devices has transformed us into an app-driven society. The time spent on apps decreases with age, but apps are clearly playing a role in the lives of all smartphone users. Based on entertainment viewing, including video, audio, and gaming apps.


The Winter Soldier has been a ground-breaking story arc for both the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and the Marvel 616 Universe, which is the main universe for Marvel comics. This is a spoiler full comparison between the two universes...



With its third season coming to an end this spring, Arrow has managed to captivate its audience with strong, well developed characters. The show revolves around the billionaire turned vigilante, Oliver Queen. His journey begins when he finds himself on an unknown island after a shipwreck...



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