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Resolution Room


By: Roxana Davila 

The cure for ditching, tardies, and absences 



      There's a new way of clearing detentions and unexcused absences and it does not include staying in detention and doing nothing. Now, students must complete a new set of requirements that will clear and  prevent tardies and absences. All will be taking place in the Resolution Room.



     The purpose of the room is to help students find solutions to their problems. This is to be completed through using individual and small group discussions that will result in students finding solutions for why they were sent to the room, as well as helping them build social and problem solving skills. Once students complete this process they must write a reflection sheet with strategies for success.




     Reasons as to why you may be sent to the resolution room include behavior, tardies, and ditching. Students can be sent to the resolution room when they have four entries in the school’s grading system for bad behavior, if a teacher has indicated the use of interventions to help the student,  and for having more than three tardies. After three incidents of ditching, a student can  also be referred to the resolution room. For tardies, meetings will be held Tuesdays at lunch and afterschool, students who are caught ditching will meet during lunch and after school on Wednesdays, and for behavior, students will meet Thursdays during lunch and afterschool. This new way of intervention is to help students succeed and gain new skills, like being punctual, to help them beyond high school.



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