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Spike it!

The Lady Roman’s Volleyball team lost a close match against Maywood High 3-2 on October 30th, their last game.


“Maywood… that was the one that was crucial for us to win…They have a very good volleyball program there,” said Varsity Coach, Mr. Knepper.


The game against Maywood, whom they had lost to last season 3-0, proves that, this season, they improved and took practices more seriously.


Coach Knepper said, “I give it a 100 percent! My goal is not only to have a winning volleyball team that goes as far as they go, but to also create team responsibility.” They practiced after school, except Tuesdays or when their coaches were not present. Volleyball team member, Mireya Ruiz, sophomore said, "We work hard.”


They practiced to improve their skills. Keeping communication lines open among the team was crucial to competing at their best. "Everyone [was] important," said, Allison Jimenez, the Varsity Captain, who has played since her freshman year.


“Well, it [was] a great experience, I learn[ed] something new everyday. Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose, but what matters in the end is that you gave it your best,” said the freshman soft starter, Marilyn Aquino.

By Andy Suh (Staff Writer) and Dalia Calvillo (News & Opinions Editor)

April 2014

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-The Lady Roman’s Volleyball Team looks to improve their game in spite of their last season.

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