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Earth Day

According to the Earth Day Los Angeles, an environmental organization, the results of the massive oil spill in 1969, in Santa Barbara, CA, and the student’s energy for the anti-war movement, inspired former senator, Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day. He realized that, if he could strengthen the student's energy with a developing public awareness about air and water pollution, it would strengthen environmental protection onto political agendas. He persuaded Pete McCloskey to serve as his co-chair. Nelson also convinced Denis Hayes to become National Coordinator. The three men coordinated the first Earth Day, which led to the construction of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. In 1990, a group of eco-friendly leaders asked Denis Hayes to arrange another big movement. This time, Earth Day went worldwide, encouraging 200 million people, in 141 countries, to protect Earth and lift environmental issues onto the world stage.


On Earth Day, international events show support for the environment. First observed on April 22, 1970, in San Francisco, CA, Earth day now occurs internationally. Every year, over 150 different countries, including America, join together in celebration of Earth Day. Earth Day is a day to appreciate nature and learn new ways to protect our environment. If each of us does just a little bit, together we can help make a huge difference. You may just feel so good about helping the environment, that you'll be able to make every day Earth Day.


One of the many things to do during Earth Day is to plant trees. Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air and add to the amount of oxygen in the air. They also create shade in the summer. People who make it an annual event may have enough shade to drastically reduce home cooling costs within a few years.


Recycling is also another eco-friendly practice. There are a shocking number of schools and workplaces that don't recycle. Just think about the amount of squandered paper that could be recycled! Earth Day is the time to stop thinking about it and start acting up. You can request colored containers marked "RECYCLE" to place next to the other trash cans or determine other solutions. Find a few friends to back you up on this task.

By Osmany Felipe 

April 22, 2014

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